May Market Review 2024 - Still awaiting the spring thaw

The Sunshine Coast has seen a significant increase in listings alongside a decrease in sales, signaling a potential shift in market dynamics. As of now, there are 507 active listings, up 31% from 387 listings during the same period last year. 154 new properties hit the market in May, up 2.7% .Despite the increase in available properties, sales have dropped to 60, down 11% from last year's 68, indicating a slower market pace. This disparity between rising listings and falling sales suggests a cooling market where sellers might face tougher competition to attract buyers.

Interestingly, despite the increased supply and reduced demand, the Home Price Index (HPI) price is $855,900, up 6.7% from last year. However, this metric is known to lag behind current market conditions, meaning it may not fully reflect the present market dynamics. A more immediate and reliable indicator is the months of inventory, which currently stands at 10 months. This typically signifies that if the trend continues, prices could decrease by approximately 5-10%.

The sales to active listings ratio at 0.118 has further dipped into buyer’s market territory, reinforcing the idea that buyers hold the upper hand in negotiations. This ratio, a critical measure of market health, confirms that sellers need to be more competitive and realistic with their pricing strategies.

Every area within the Sunshine Coast has experienced a decline in sales. Halfmoon Bay, in particular, has been significantly impacted. With only 2 homes sold in May, down 60%, and 66 active listings, buyers in Halfmoon Bay have an extensive selection to choose from, up 106.3%, putting additional pressure on sellers to lower prices or offer incentives to make their properties more appealing.

Although recent interest rate reductions this week offer hope of a more robust market, the substantial inventory volume indicates that this singular factor might not serve as a cure-all. While certain buyers may be drawn back into the market fold, the broader economic context highlights additional variables that shape buyer behavior.

The current market trends on the Sunshine Coast highlight a period of adjustment where buyers have a stronger negotiating position due to increased inventory and slower sales. While the HPI suggests stability, other indicators point to potential price reductions in the near future. Sellers need to be aware of these dynamics and may need to adjust their expectations and strategies accordingly. Buyers, on the other hand, can take advantage of the current conditions to find favorable deals.

Overall, the Sunshine Coast real estate market is in a state of flux, and staying informed about these trends is crucial for making well-timed and informed decisions. While this overview provides a comprehensive snapshot of the Sunshine Coast market, each neighborhood may have unique driving factors influencing its real estate dynamics. For specific insights tailored to your local area, contact us for your personalized market report.