September 2024

Five Forces Driving BC Real Estate Prices 

Posted on Sep 11, 2024

Image from Mortgage Sandbox Advisor.  - See link on image for full article and source. 

A recent article by Mortgagesandbox outlines five key forces influencing British Columbia's real estate market: population growth, housing supply, government policy, economic conditions, and foreign investment. Population growth, especially in urban areas, drives d...

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Sunshine Coast Market Update - August 2024

Posted on Sep 11, 2024

In spite of increased buyer activity both online and in person, any substantial increase in sales failed to materialize this August.
Buyers showed lack of motivation to move on listings and for the most part, offers were made well below the list price. There were 53 sales across the Coast in August, only 1 more sale made than the same time last yea...

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